Pediatric physical therapy


Treatment and care of newborns and children with developmental delays, as well as movement disorders or other diseases/alterations that can lead to disability if left untreated. It also offers advice to families on methods of action for each case.

Children under 8 years of age and especially premature babies are often more prone to respiratory problems such as excess mucus, asthma, allergies, bronchitis, pneumonia or even deformities in the rib cage, either because of immaturity or because they have not fully developed their respiratory system.

Respiratory physiotherapy therapies, through the application of specific techniques (massage, pumping, drainage) help to improve respiratory flow, mobilize mucus and reduce coughing, promoting a correct development of the whole system, which improves the quality of life and avoids hospitalization of the child.

On the other hand, the immaturity of the digestive system is also a common problem that can lead to colic during the breastfeeding period, better known as infant colic. These cause pain in the baby’s belly, triggering inconsolable crying from late afternoon onwards.

In these cases, we apply a multifactorial treatment, which consists of dietary and nutritional advice, relaxation potions for colic crises, massages and osteopathic techniques that gradually lead to the disappearance of colic, thus improving their health and helping both parents and the baby to rest better.
