Ergodinámica in collaboration with Brisport has developed a laboratory test that provides runners with reliable data to monitor and improve their performance.
Thanks to the most advanced power measurement technology, the use of an aerodynamic resistance roller and a lactate analysis, we can determine with absolute reliability the power thresholds, heart rate and lactate profile of each athlete. These thresholds crossed with the somatotype, anthropometry and physical-muscular characteristics of each athlete allow us to draw up a very detailed picture of the type of athlete we have in front of us and to propose new training methods to help him/her progress.
All the data collected during the test will be analyzed taking into account all the training variables. A detailed report of the evaluation is sent to the athlete, useful for the control and improvement of his performance.
Who is the target audience?
To all endurance athletes (runners, cyclists, swimmers, etc.) of any level who wish to know their fitness according to the physiological parameters of heart rate and lactate.
Data provided by the test:
Individualized lactate profile
Determination of aerobic/anaerobic and heart rate thresholds
Determination of maximum aerobic speed (M.A.S.V.)
Protocol with constant block rhythm test specific to the sport practiced
Wingate Protocol
Montreal Protocol
Conconi Protocol
*It is also possible to adapt the tests to the type of sport practiced by the athlete
Where is the test performed?
Depending on the time of the season and the needs, tests are carried out in the field (athletics track, swimming pool, etc.) or in the laboratory.