Angiology and vascular surgery

In the ACV unit we diagnose pathologies related to both the arterial and venous or lymphatic systems:
Edemas extremities (swelling)
Lymphedemas and lipedemas
Varicose veins and varicose veins (spider veins)
Phlebitis and venous thrombosis
Ischemic limb disease
Carotid atheromatous disease
Arterial aneurysms

To reach an accurate diagnosis, we have a color Doppler ultrasound with which we can explore the venous and arterial system, in situ, in the same consultation, without the need for deferred scheduling:
Echo Doppler color venous extremities
Echo Doppler color arterial extremities
Echo Doppler color abdominal arterial (aorta and iliac)
Echo Doppler color carotid arteries

As for treatments we offer a wide range depending on the diagnosed pathology, for example:
Sclerosis varicose veins with microfoam, both large caliber varicose veins and varicose veins (spider veins)
Varicose vein surgery with ENDOLASER (surgical intervention are local anesthesia + intravenous sedation, totally ambulatory, without hospital admission)
We also offer vascular checkups to identify atherosclerotic and ischemic diseases consisting of color Doppler ultrasound of carotid arteries, aorta and lower extremities, in order to identify pathologies before they can give symptoms and thus prevent future ischemic events (stroke, ischemia legs…).)
