Hormone replacement therapy using estrogens or their derivatives is often recommended during menopause, since most of the symptoms experienced in this phase are related to the decrease in estrogen levels in the blood.
It is essential that any woman going through menopause consult a specialist to determine the appropriateness of starting hormone replacement therapy.
In general terms, certain healthy habits are suggested, such as quitting smoking, ensuring an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D in the diet, exercising regularly and avoiding excessive weight loss.
Not all patients will necessarily require initiation of hormone replacement therapy if the above recommendations are followed.
Currently, there are several modalities for hormone replacement therapy, which is mainly based on the administration of estrogen alone for those women who do not have a uterus, and in combination with progesterone for those who do.
Adapted from: https://www.cun.es/enfermedades-tratamientos/tratamientos/terapia-hormonal-sustitutiva